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Causes of Chronic Bladder Infections

Sep 23

There are several causes of chronic bladder infections, including diabetes, enlarged prostate, and kidney stones. Some chronic infections may also be caused by spermicides. These products kill the good bacteria found in the vagina that fights off unwanted bacteria. The good bacteria also helps keep urinary tract infections at bay. Antibiotics are used to treat UTIs, and increasing water consumption can help flush out the bad bacteria.

Escherichia coli

elderly woman with chronic bladder infection

Chronic bladder infections are caused by bacteria that live within the epithelial cells of the bladder. These cells provide a protected habitat for the bacteria. Once in these cells, the bacteria produce toxins, hemolysin, and colony-necrosizing factors.

While bacteria such as Escherichia coli are normally found in the bowel, they can move through the urethra and bladder and cause bladder infections. Women who suffer from recurrent UTIs should seek medical treatment. Taking birth control contraceptives can cause a bacterial imbalance and make people more prone to bladder infections. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the growth of certain bacteria in the urinary tract.

The bacteria that causes a bladder infection can grow to dangerous levels in the urinary tract. Most people have bacteria in their digestive tract, but in rare cases, they get into the urinary tract. It enters through the urethra after passing stool and migrates into the urethra. The bacteria then multiply and cause bladder infections.

Mumps orchitis

Mumps orchitis is a highly contagious disease of the reproductive tract, with symptoms such as enlargement of the testicles and induration of the epididymis. The disease is often accompanied by a painful bladder infection. A full blood count can reveal leucocytosis, leucopenia, and an elevated C-reactive protein level. Urine culture and sensitivity should also be done to rule out a bacterial infection. If culture and sensitivity are negative, mumps orchitis should be considered a possibility. Other symptoms of orchitis may include diffuse hypervascularity or hypoechogenicity.

Antibiotics are the most common treatment for orchitis. Men can take antibiotics at home for ten days, but if their infection is associated with prostate involvement, their doctor may prescribe a longer course of antibiotics. In very severe cases, patients may need to be hospitalized and receive antibiotics via IV. However, most cases of mumps orchitis clear up within one to three weeks.

Mumps orchitis is usually associated with fever, malaise, and cough.


Pyelonephritis is a serious condition that can have many overlapping symptoms. In acute cases, patients often experience fever, flank pain, and nausea. In children, these symptoms can be absent. However, in elderly patients, they may have altered mental status and deterioration of other organ systems.

The first line of treatment is antibiotics. The type of antibiotic used depends on which bacteria are causing the infection. Usually, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. The patient must take the drugs for the prescribed period, which is usually 10 to 14 days. However, treatment with drugs is not always successful, and if the infection is severe, it may require hospitalization.

Pyelonephritis is usually caused by gram-negative bacteria. The most common type is Escherichia coli, but other types can also cause the condition.


Herbs for chronic bladder infections are an excellent way to relieve the symptoms associated with this painful condition. These natural medicines are packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can combat bacterial and fungal infections in the urinary tract. Some herbs, such as marshmallow root and couch grass, are also effective in easing the symptoms of a UTI. Additionally, they contain compounds that can help heal the bladder's mucous membranes and protect them from further damage.

One herb that can be used to treat chronic bladder infections is nettle. This perennial plant in the Urticaceae family has shown excellent antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacteria. Studies have shown that nettle extracts inhibit both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria. In fact, the antimicrobial activity of nettle can help treat a number of different infectious diseases. In addition to being an effective antibacterial treatment, nettle also has diuretic properties.

Oregon grape root contains a substance called berberine, which is effective against many bacteria. Berberine inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause bladder infections. Berberine also helps to treat dysbiosis, a condition that is a common cause of bladder infections. Berberine inhibits the growth of bacteria by inhibiting them from adhering to the host cell.

Nutritional therapies

Many of us have experienced urinary tract infections at some point in our lives. When this happens, bacteria cause inflammation of the bladder. This inflammation, known as cystitis, may spread to the kidneys, which can lead to a serious complication called sepsis. This condition is more common in women than men, and is estimated to affect 50% of women in their lifetime.

Herbal remedies for chronic bladder infections can help reduce or eliminate the bacteria responsible for the infection. Berberine extract contains antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including E. Coli and resistant bacteria. It can be taken orally or in tea form to fight off infection. Herbal remedies can also help support hormone balance and reduce the frequency of recurrence of bladder infections. Mushrooms are highly effective against bacteria.

Women with chronic bladder infections are more likely than men to have multiple infections a year. In addition to bacterial growth, the infection can be caused by other health problems, including sex or kidney stones. It is also possible to prevent bladder infections by avoiding certain foods.


Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool for chronic bladder infections. The process involves injecting dye into a vein and examining the results. A renal scan and X-rays are then performed to further investigate the condition. The results of these tests can be used to guide treatment for patients with recurrent UTIs.

This bacterial presence is usually quantified as the number of bacteria per high-power field and is associated with urinary tract infections in symptomatic patients. The threshold for bacteriuria is five or more organisms per high-power field and represents a bacterial concentration of one million CFUs/mL. A second, less-stringent definition of bacteriuria is 2+ bacteria or 100 colony-forming units per mL. However, in some select populations, this threshold may be as low as a few colonies per mL.

To collect the sample, patients are asked to urinate in a toilet and stop midstream. The doctor will then use a sterile collection device to draw the sample. The best urine specimens are collected via suprapubic aspiration. However, this technique is uncomfortable and invasive, and requires a lot of resources. The next-best technique to minimize contamination is collection of urine via a single catheter. Unfortunately, this procedure is not routinely performed, and it is too expensive.


The best way to treat chronic bladder infections is to drink plenty of fluids, which will help wash out the bacteria from your urinary tract. You should aim to drink six to eight glasses of water each day. If you cannot drink enough water, you can try cranberry juice. You can also eat foods with high potassium content.

Urine testing will help your doctor determine the cause of your infection. This can reveal red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria in the urine.

To prevent the spread of bacteria, patients should wash their hands before using the toilet and after wiping. Washing hands before entering the shower or taking a bath is an excellent way to avoid spreading germs to other parts of the body.