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What Is Technical SEO?

May 27

Such as a secure connection or responsive design. Technical SEO is the work you need to do to ensure your website displays these traits at all times – and we’ve created an easy-to-follow checklist of important steps for ensuring your site meets these criteria!  

1.Use SSL. 

Secure Sockets Layer – SSL – is a security technology which creates an encrypted link between the server and your browser. You can spot sites using this pretty easily: they have https:// in their URLs instead of http://. In 2014 Google announced that if possible, secure websites would be ranked higher than non-secure ones for search results on google searches to encourage more people to encrypt their site connections with HTTPS encryption (the standard data transmission protocol used when transferring web pages). Most website builders now include this by default so it makes sense where you can install an SSL certificate onto your own site too!

 2.Ensure your site is mobile-friendly.

 With Google’s mobile first approach to indexing content, a responsive website is now more important than ever. A “responsive” site design will adjust itself automatically so that it can be navigated and read easily on any device. In fact, according to Google: “Having a responsive site is considered by our algorithms as being very significant for ranking purposes.” It makes sense then – with the introduction of this new algorithm change by search engine giant-to ensure your website stays up-to date with these latest developments in web technology

 3.Speed Your Site Up

Search engines and browsers prefer sites that load quickly. Page speed is an important ranking signal for SEO, as well as your visitors’ experience of the site; they will become frustrated if pages take too long to fully load! There are several ways you can optimize page loading time: use fast hosting, a fast DNS provider like Cloudflare or Google Public DNS (note: not all providers offer this service), minimize HTTP requests by using minimal plugins and scripts on each website – keep it to what’s necessary only – use one CSS stylesheet instead of multiple CSS stylesheets or inline CSS in HTML code lines, make sure images files are optimized without being pixelated-like blurry photos when enlarged-, compress webpages with tools such as short-pixel(wordpress plugin)

4.Fix duplicate content issues. 

Duplicate content can either be confusing for users and search engine algorithms or it can be used to try to manipulate rankings. Search engines advise webmasters fix any duplicate content issues they find before Google penalizes them with penalties like Panda Updates, which are designed so that each page should have unique information on the topic searched. It’s important you do a thorough check of your website manually as well because sometimes automatic tools might not identify all instances where duplicates exist – this could result in future penalty by major search engines such as Google or Bing if left unchecked! There is also an option to use canonical links; these will ensure only one version exists when there is more than 1 version active on different pages (for example)

5.Create an XML sitemap. 

Every website needs an XML sitemap. It is a file that tells search engines about your site, and it helps them navigate through the content more easily when they are crawling or indexing your pages for visibility to customers on external sites like Google Search. This can be likened to giving directions of where each page in the house is located so you know exactly how best to get around inside and outside without getting lost! The list also includes information such as last modified date and priority ranking within its “house”- which means there’s no excuse not knowing what would happen if you don’t have one ready at hand!


6.Consider enabling AMP.

AMP is a Google-backed project which aims to speed up the delivery of content on mobile devices through the use of special code known as AMP HTML.

It does this by stripping your web pages down, enabling text, images and video while disabling scripts, comments and forms with only bare bones left for loading fast. 

This makes it more likely that you will be read or shared (all good things from an SEO point) because it loads so quickly when compared to other browsers like Chrome or Safari where they load at normal speeds but download everything making them take much longer time than necessary in comparison.


Structured data markup is a code that you add to your website’s content, making it easier for search engines to understand the information on any given webpage. It can be used in conjunction with other SEO techniques such as meta descriptions and keyword research; but at its core, structured data helps people find what they’re looking for more easily by helping searches provide relevant results.

Structured Data Markup- Structured data markup is a type of coding which can help make webpages more readily indexable by Google or Bing (or whichever major search engine you prefer). When websites are indexed well enough through this method of coding one sees better page ranking because these sites rank higher when someone does an internet query related to their contents. This creates better customer satisfaction

Enhanced search engine results can generate additional traffic to your site and improve click-through rate. Structured data is an easy way for webmasters looking to increase their CTRs without having to spend too much time on SEO strategy, in addition giving them the opportunity of taking advantage of a smaller market space that might not be available otherwise with unstructured content.

Structured Data allows you take structured information from other sites (such as star ratings or review summaries) and use it within yours; enabling you see more relevant organic search listings than usual which may lead people back into your store/webpage where they are able find what they want faster – ultimately generating higher Click Through Rates (CTR).

8.Register your site with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft respectively that allow you to submit your website to their search engines for indexing. When you are ready, make sure they know about it by submitting its XML sitemap (see above) so the site can be crawled. These services also let users keep an eye on general performance of sites as well – things like testing a site’s speed or checking how many links lead back to one page in particular within the last 30 days come with these programs!